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3 Scary Reasons to Avoid Isolated IT and Data

Without consolidation, you frighten innovation and sales away! All is well with your legacy systems handling scattered IT and data at your business. It has been in place for years, and why spend the time and money to change it? If this sounds familiar, you may be in...

Stay Competitive While Reducing IT Costs

Business owners know that using the latest technology to increase revenues and provide excellent customer service is essential to success, and they are willing to spend a great deal on it. In fact, the amount spent on worldwide IT is “on pace to total $3.7 trillion in...

3 Ways to Boost Revenue with Customer Relationship Management

Is your CRM program only reporting results? Customer relationship management (CRM) systems that automatically organize large quantities of data and provide real-time results are important. But new, CRM solutions offer much more than reporting. They provide valuable...

How to Reduce Your IT Spending Trends in 7 Steps

Are you taking advantage of the benefits of server virtualization, an IT disaster recovery plan and more? More than $180 billion – that’s how much end-users are expected to spend on cloud services by 2015 per a recent “Cloud Computing” article in Forbes covering IT...